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Hello there!
My name is
use arrow keys or swipe left you can see,
I have a
passion for technology.
So, what do I love?

...and really anything in the domain of...
In my career, I make use of cutting edge 
technology & my software engineering skills... build out scalable software solutions
that live in the cloud. 
In my current role, I manage a team of
software engineers that build & maintain the 
digital menus for a modest taco establishment... I don't get free food.
but the job is like playing with legos!
Now, a brief game. Find waldo!
...did you win?
When I'm not crafting code, you can find me:
🔷 trading my desk chair for a CamelBak
🔷 soaking up the sun on the beach 🌊⛱️
🔷 soaring through the sky with my drone

🔷 creating lists 📋 of things I should be doing...
🔷   roadtrip with the puppers 🚙🐶

I try not to stare at a screen too long.
Here's my drone capturing Thor in action!
...pretty cool, right? Yes, this is real!
I'm all over the musical map. From punk to the occasional country tune!🎚️🔊
Some of the green flags
I'm looking for are... 
...hey, but nobody is perfect 🤷
Some of the red flags
I'm looking to avoid... 
...hey, but nobody is perfect 🤷
I'm a decent shot... 🔫🎯 if you want
 me to shoot my shot
Share your info! 🤙

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